On my last article titled “The political landscape” I reviewed what a news agencies website labeled me trying to identify what is running afoul in said landscape. In short, I have concluded a human being is more then any one political party, an economical left/right social conservative/liberal even though the metrics of the news websites labeled me “economic left social conservatism” A human would simply look over the totality of the political spectrum presented because in reality, the system presented is beneath humanity, when the Conservatives emulate policy from the NDP (almost typed out NPC) in regard to looking into lowering the cable and internet bills of Canadians, in a sense what is being emulated are the parties transcending the little section of humanity they are meant to represent to serve humanity. A real human being could achieve much more then whatever this system is capable of, the fact that any and all parties present can even other any part of humanity means the system they represent is broken.
I am producing a website geared towards giving the public more tools to fix said system, will update this post with a link once I have gone as far as I alone can take it. I know humanity is better then what is being presented currently, I know there are many beautiful souls out there far more awake then myself though I will try my best to fill the gaps until they themselves better what is before us, labels in many instances have failed us as a people, I hope more come to realize the handicaps present in the system we are partaking in and step up to better it and themselves.